Per un umanesimo digitale | La Civiltà Cattolica


The innovations that the introduction of digital technology presents in every field of human life are immense and fascinating; yet, at the same time, relevant questions are raised.

For some time now, new technological developments have been able to carry out various tasks of human life in an extremely effective manner.

Without denying these undoubted advantages, there are other aspects that are of concern at a time when we would like to entrust machines with an ever-increasing share in the decision making process.

This article takes into account some specific areas of human life where the absence of control can lead to serious social consequences and others where the contribution of artificial intelligence can make a useful and even corrective contribution to human volubility.
Finally, we try to show how some activities of ordinary life reveal a mysterious complexity that is placed on a qualitatively different level compared to artificial intelligence.…mo-digitale/