Affrontare un sistema ingiusto | La Civiltà Cattolica


The widow of the second Book of Kings

The banks in the United States make billions of dollars in annual profit, while the mortgage crisis, the economic recession and the various scandals have only proved to be minorincidents along the way.

Yet, as a consequence of these events, many people have found themselves suffocated by debt and subjected to unjust foreclosures, especially in the communities of color.

In 2 Kings 4:1-7 a creditor goes to a widow and threatens to enslave his children. She cries out to Elisha, and a miraculous multiplication of oil takes place, which allows the debt to be repaid.

The widow, who initiated this change and was its primary protagonist, had courage and a spirit of initiative, and for us she is an example to follow.

Luke Hansen
Quaderno 4059-4060
pag. 238 - 248
Anno 2019
Volume II
3 agosto 2019…ma-ingiusto/