XV Congreso OMAEC-Roma/ 50 aniversario - OMAEC

Dear Friends

From the 22nd to the 25th of October 2017, the XV Congress of the OMAEC will take place in Rome for its 50° anniversary. On the 25th of October, a private hearing with the Pope will take place in the Sala Capitolina.

I send in attachment the documentation and information about the Congress and how to participate. Please, put me also in cc when you send back the registration form to the indicated address.

I specify that the meeting with Pope Francesco is reserved to a limited number of participants, therefore attendance it's not granted to everyone and some selection criteria might be applied.

I take this occasion to remind that UNAEC today has a new website and a Facebook page to promote our association and ease information exchange :
WEB -> www.unaec-europe.org
Facebok -> UNAEC Europe =

Best regards

Giuseppe Mariano

